Wednesday 17 August 2011

So much stuff to write, but how much is relevant?

That's a question i ofter ask myself, but rarely answer, simply because i care not for the expectations of others and what they expext should happen, I'd rather concentrate on what IS happening right now. The ability to switch randomly to another topic is essential i think to keep things interesting.

With that in mind:
Spoilies have made an addition to their counter setup, they now have 6 soup cauldrons instead of 4. What this means for the CB I'm not sure, but it's only gotta be good. Perhaps they can now offer more varieties of soup, or double up on the popular soup types?

Other miscellaneous points:
  • Soup levels - Seem to be a little low today.
  • Bread - Bought new bread today because i somehow forgot to bring my own. M&S half loaf Multiseed Bloomer is very, very nice.
Dipping choice for today: Spicy tomarto by Wheat Crunchies

I think this combo is right up there with the Chilli McCoys, lovely...

I've found the best freak crisp for scooping soup. The normal tubes are straight, but this one has a kind-of pinched area, which act's like a handle to aid the scoop:

Erm, oh yes, the soup! Once again, it's really good. Thick and tastey. Mondays soup was average and yesterdays was good, so the rest of the week should just get better and better.

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