Tuesday 13 September 2011

Hot, hot, hot.

Owwwch, just managed to burn my mouth on the soup, after all this time you'd think I'd be used to it. Life is always full of surprises.

I approach my lunch times with a wonderment of what the hell I'm going to write here. Because the soup is usually exactly the same as it was the day before, only there are a few subtle differences in taste now and again, it's usually my mood which dictates the taste personally.

Today, I'm basically writing this to distract myself from other personal matters which could, if i where to let them, consume me. I'm telling myself to be strong, be patient and the right chain of events will play itself out if honesty is the characterism in use.

Dipping choice for today: Same as yesterday.

Times are hard though, and it's a huge bag of crisps.

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