Friday, 2 December 2011

Not one for the faint hearted

Well, it's almost here again.  This freaking time of the year, when nothing else changes except the expectations of the shop's and young children.  You don't get paid more to compensate for the days off work or for the outlay of money for presents.  But, it's the same for everyone i guess, I just wish I had more of a choice in the matter.  I'm not religious, but I'm forced to participate in a religious ceremony, it's not even about religion anymore, it's about money and showy glittery things.
I feel I have lost my way somewhere along the line and I no longer subscribe to the fanciful celebratory mass hysteria of this bastardised religious holiday.

Don't get my started on Easter...

Instead of my usual sandwiches, I've got a tuna, mayo, chilli, salami, Parmesan, sweetcorn pasta.  This alteration to my normal plan has thrown my otherwise clockwork-like regime into chaos, or as much chaos as this situation could get into, with all it's 3 variables.  Chilli beef soup, main ingredient (in this case, pasta) and some crisps.

One majour side effect is the fact I forgot to photograph my soup and dipping choice combo for today, after 96 of these I'm quite disapointed in myself for forgetting, so (when i eventually get round to publishing the missing photos) there will be a photo of some crisps half eaten and the soup half empty, or half full, depending on your outlook on life.

At this point i really should write something about todays soup, inkeeping with the other blogs...
Ahhh, todays soup tastes really nice, like a good oxo gravy, without the onion.  But as you can imaging, the combination of tuna past and chilli beef was not a pleasent one.  Far from it.

Out of 11
  • Taste: 8
  • Texture: 7
  • Bouquet/Aroma: 9
  • Heat - Temp: 7
  • Heat - Chilli: 7
  • Brownness: 7
  • Beef content: 8
Dipping choice for today: Sea salt and malt vinigar by Seabrooks
*Edit* No idea why this image is on it's side, no time to change it though.  So could you just tip your head to the right a little bit please?

Days since "the spillage" and I've still not cleaned my keyboard: 52
This is what keystrokes where activated when i decided to check out the soup spillage "zone." l,...l;,l,l,k,,,,,

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